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Below Delayed Until...Unknown

Sadly after being delayed late last year, Capybara Games have announced Below has been delayed once again.  However, instead of giving a new release date, they have mentioned they won't announce anything until they know for sure:

"We told you BELOW would be out this summer. Our team worked hard to make that deadline a reality. But after a strong push, we’ve decided it isn’t ready.
We did a lot of soul searching. We knew we wanted to get it into your hands as soon as possible. We knew the game was there, and we’re super proud of it, but we also knew it needed more time to make sure it lives up to our studio’s standards, and the quality that you expect from our games. From the very beginning, BELOW has been our most ambitious undertaking, and we’re just not quite done excavating its depths, or polishing all of its facets.
Instead of giving you a new, loose release window, we will be going dark while we take the time that we need to complete BELOW without compromise. The next time you see a major BELOW update, that means our game has a firm release date, which we’ll share."

We'll have the new release date when its available, in the meantime you can check out what I thought about the game at E3 this year.