13AM Games Tells Fans To Wait For E3 For "cool new Runbow announcements"

Earlier today, an Amazon leak was posted online that had to do with 13AM Games' 9 player multiplayer platformer Runbow.  I've never really wanted this site to be about "leaks" or "inside information", that was never the purpose, so I wasn't going to post anything about it. However, 13AM Games did make an official post going over the leak (for those interested, you can read about the original story here).  I copied a blurb from 13AM Games statement below:

It’s important to note however that this info and this Amazon post did not come from 13AM Games, and contains some incorrect information. We can’t elaborate yet, but all I can say is that everyone should tune into E3 where we will be making some cool new Runbow announcements. Be sure to follow us for all the latest Runbow news on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr. If you ever have any questions, shoot us an email. It needs to be reiterated: Thanks for your passion and excitement. Our fans are literally the best.

We'll just have to wait and see. It is important to note that in an interview with TorontoGameDevs.com, 13AM Games did say they working on something with Runbow.