Canadian Game Devs

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Play This Game: Borbudo On Google Play Store

Local and indie developer Rob Lehrbass emailed me this week to let me know about his indie game on the Google Play Store Borbudo - which you can pick up for free right here. Sadly I am without a Google device right now, but you can check out the description and screenshots below!

Borbudo is more than a simple shoot-em-up game; it's a collection of worlds to explore, each with diverse characters, challenges, quests, puzzles, missions, and more! Battle your way through abandoned space stations, jungle battlefields, arctic dungeons and puzzling labyrinths.

Your journey through the worlds of Borbudo will never be the same, but it will always be epic!

You can download the game on your Android devices here, and check out Rob's Patreon if you want to help support him and Borbudo.

See this gallery in the original post