On July 27-29 Red Bull along with Bell Canada will be presenting one of Canada’s largest game development hackathon at AdrenaLAN in Toronto. There will be thousands of dollars of prizes to be won for the best hacks in areas like mobile games and VR/AR, along with workshops to introduce attendees to the world of game development and design.
AdrenaLAN will also include an exclusive panel on the future of hackathons and will include directors from Canada’s leading hackathons as well as companies like Google and HackerNest. Hackathon details and more information will be released at: www.redbull.com/adrenalan
Application form link: bit.ly/2JuSvAA
Beginners and first time hackers are welcome too!
Final application deadline: July 4th at 11:59pm EST
Any questions can be emailed to contact@omcn.tech.