What Did Patreons Get In February?
/ Stephen CraneA little late on this one, but I wanted to include what Patreon's of TorontoGameDevs.com got in February. Remember that you can become a Patreon easily, and every bit helps.
As always, for as low as 3 dollars a month, Patreons will get early access to every exclusive, interview, reviews, and podcast. This month we also interviewed Joe Woynillowicz about his upcoming game Darktide.
At 8 dollars a month, Patreons will get first access to any codes I get, and are guaranteed at least one game from a GTA developer. This month was a goody with Fortified from Claptfoot Games.
Remember to check out our Patreon to help out!

Patreon Podcasts - Canuck Play Interview and Podcast Episode 104