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PS4, Xbox One Versions of Gotham Knights Cancelled

WB Games Montréal has announced that the last-gen (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) versions of their upcoming co-op action game Gotham Knights have been cancelled.

They didn’t explicitly say “cancelled”, they chose more optimistic language such as “to provide players with the best possible gameplay experience, the game will release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC and will not be available for PlayStation 4 or Xbox One consoles.”

The logos were on the site until hours after the announcement the last-gen versions were “unavailabled” but were eventually removed (archive of site).

Anyone who bore witness to Cyberpunk 2077’s abysmal attempt to function on a PlayStation 4 from almost a decade ago can’t blame them.

The announcement of the cancellation was made at the same time the studio revealed new Nightwing and Red Hood gameplay in a 13-minute video over on Gotham Knights’ YouTube.