'Radio General' Marks 76th Anniversary of D-Day with Free Content

To mark the 76th anniversary of D-Day Saskatoon-based indie studio Foolish Mortals (@Foolish_M_Games) has released version 3.0 of their RTS Radio General with new campaign missions, historical documents and more.

The update comes with a few major updates and several minor tweaks listed below:


- NEW Melfa Pursuit mission (Italy). You are to pursue fleeing German units after penetrating the Hitler Line in Italy. Using scouts and snipers, avoid enemies and guide your small force to the rear poisition of Ceprano to dig in to prevent enemies from escaping.

- NEW Le Mesnils-Patry mission (France). After losing ground in the Juno Beach Counterattack in France, you are ordered once again to advance and retake lost ground. Prepare for an all-out brawl, with both sides fielding heavy armour and large numbers over a small area. This bloody battle was plagued with poor communication, and as such you will be working with an AI teammate in your assault.

Both missions come with new historical photos, video and other documents. Check them out!


- Added Free-play and Challenge mode to Dieppe Revisited mission;
- Increased tank health 25%, morale by 20%, tanks now move in squadrons of 6;
- Added viewable barrage range stat for Artillery and Anti-tank guns;
- Fixed artillery sometimes incorrectly reporting amount of barrages left;
- Added voice line right after artillery fires about running out of ammo;
- Various bug fixes with threading;
- Moved briefing, log and field manual aside when playing very wide maps;
- Added another video and newspaper article to Ortona historical documents about Victoria Cross recipient.