Interview - Social Media Marketer Corina Diaz

Are you interested in becoming a social media marketer? What about running a marketing campaign for your indie game on a low-to-zero budget? Corina Diaz is here to answer all those questions and more as we discuss indie games, and marketing around them.

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play, or SoundCloud. And Patron's at the $4+ level got this episode 2 days early.

Podcast Episode 102 - What's With Switch Pricing?

Bret and Steve discuss why games are most expensive on Switch than other platforms. Steve also breaks the news to Bret that Red Dead Redemption 2 isn’t coming to PC anytime soon…

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play, or SoundCloud. And Patron's at the $4+ level got this episode 2 days early.

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Podcast Episode 100 - Let's Celebrate!

We had TylerTalksGames on to chat about Switch Games, Assassin's Creed, and being married.

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play, or SoundCloud. And Patron's at the $4+ level got this episode 2 days early.

Podcast Episode 98 - The New Canadian GameDevs, Raptors-Spurs Trade, Assassin's Creed Origins

Bret and I sat down and talked about the new CanadianGameDevs, what we think of the recent Raptors-Spurs trade, and Bret gives his thoughts on Assassins Creed Origins. 

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play, or SoundCloud.