EA Announces Star Wars Squadrons - Coming To PS4, Xbox One, PC This Fall

EA Announces Star Wars Squadrons - Coming To PS4, Xbox One, PC This Fall

EA announced today the next title from their Montreal-based studio EA Motive. Star Wars Squadrons will be a first-person multiplayer dogfighting game set in the Star Wars universe after the event of the movie Star Wars: Episode 6. The game will feature 5v5 multiplayer, as well as a single-player campaign, and PlayStation VR and VR on PC.

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Video Games News Time Daily - May 4th 2017

We chat GRIP, Tap Titans 2, and Star Wars.

May the fourth be with you! Though I've never known why today is Star Wars day other than it sounding similarly. Let's talk Star Wars, Grip, and Tap Titans 2. Tap Titans 2 Update: http://www.torontogamedevs.com/blog/tap-titans-2-updated-for-mobile GRIP Update: http://www.torontogamedevs.com/blog/wxjcmt9mu5zdjgs4cqdqfylm39dspx Star Wars On Sale: http://deals.kinja.com/the-ultimate-edition-of-star-wars-battlefront-is-just-1794917112