Episode 142 - Ubisoft Sues Apple & Steve Starts Retro Collecting

Months of self-isolation have skewed our perception of time but we're pretty sure it's still 2020. This week we talk news, upcoming indie games, all the pseudo-E3 Livestreams, an event or two, LOADS of game dev jobs and more!

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify. Patrons get the show 2 days early!

2. Deceive Inc. by Sweet Bandits Studios (@Sweet_Bandits) in Québec.

3. Paralives (@ParalivesGame) by @_amasse, @RoxaneParalives & @Khalitirkai + others in Québec.

Try These Vintage Canadian Indies:

@StephenLCrane’s Pick: Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime by Asteroid Base (@AsteroidBase) in Toronto - Initially released for Xbox One & Steam on September 9, 2015. Also on PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch.

@StephanReilly’s Pick: Contrast by Compulsion Games (@CompulsionGames) in Montréal - Initially released for PS4 & Steam on November 15, 2013. Also on Xbox One, PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360.