13AM Games Releases Double Cross On Nintendo Switch And Steam
/ Stephen CraneOur friends over at 13AM Games have released their first non-Runbow game - Double Cross is out now on Steam and Switch. The action platformer has you playing as Zahra, an agent for R.I.F.T (Regulators of Interdimensional Frontiers and Technology) who keeps the peace between all dimensions:
A recent attack on R.I.F.T. headquarters thrusts players into a thrilling new case where they must use their R.I.F.T. developed gear to sling, swing, fight and investigate across distinct dimensions. During their travels players will gather clues to bring themselves one step closer to finding the identity of R.I.F.T.’s attacker and save every variation of the universe.
The game is enjoying a 25% launch discount right now, so head over to Steam or Switch to download today!
Double Cross is an exciting action adventure game that blasts players into a multidimensional mystery full of platforming action/adventure. Using the unique proton sling mechanic for a variety of movements and attacks, players must fight an array of enemies as they traverse their way across distinct universes in order to find clues.
Toronto-based 13AM Games have announced their side-scrolling, kaiju beat-'em-up game will be releasing on pretty much every platformer later this month on March 15th. Limited Run Games also has a physical edition for all platforms you can check out here.
Toronto-based 13AM Games have announced a new paid expansion for their 2022 co-operative kaiju beat ‘em up Dawn of Monsters releasing in 2023.