MK-Ultra Games Announces Knight & Damsel On Steam Alongside Ouya

Toronto developer MK-ULTRA Games announced yesterday that their upcoming "uncooperative" multiplayer game Knights & Damsel will be coming to Steam and Humble Store alongside the Ouya release.

"Knight and Damsel is a two-player competitive puzzle platformer with a neat little twist: The Damsel isn’t just waiting to get rescued by the Knight, she can handle herself! It’s all about getting to decide who gets to rescue the Damsel: the Knight, or the Damsel herself? (Or will she rescue the Knight?)"

Knight & Damsel is a two-player "uncooperative" couch multiplayer game coming for OUYA and PC on Steam and Humble Store in 2015. Steam link:

Make sure to check out all the details of the game on the developers website, and follow them on Twitter.  Make sure to stay tuned to for the latest.