DrinkBox Studios Announces Severed's Delay
/Sad news today as according to Polygon, and Destuctoid are reporting that Severed from DrinkBox studios has been delayed outside its Summer release date.
"Severed is "days away from hitting alpha," DrinkBox said but it will not be complete in time to hit the summer launch window the studio had anticipated. "Severed is a really different game from anything we've made before and we want to take a few additional months for playtesting and tuning so that we can make it the best game it can be."

This really stinks, Severed is still one of my most anticipated games of the year, and I have faith DrinkBox Studios is making the right move here. They did not state a new release window, so hopefully we'll see it before the end of the year. Make sure to stay tuned to TorontoGameDevs.com for the latest.