Podcast Episode 103 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey Spoilercast

Thought I would post the last two podcasts we’ve done. First the spoiler-cast for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and next episode 103 of our normal podcast.

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play, or SoundCloud. And Patron's at the $4+ level got this episode 2 days early.

Spoilercast - Guacamelee! 2

Spoilercast! We got a new show for CanadianGameDevs.com where we'll play a game and just discuss it on end. It'll be sort of a review/spoilercast type of show.

First up is Guacamelee! 2 from DrinkBox Studios. This sequel to the 2013 indie hit dropped on PS4 and Steam last week so Bret, and I were joined by developer from the first game turned fan Jason Canam to discuss everything we liked (a lot of things) and disliked (not that many things) about DrinkBox's new game.

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play, or SoundCloud. And Patron's at the $4+ level got this episode 2+ days early.