Recent And Upcoming Releases

With the announcement today of Lovers From A Dangerous Spacetime being released September 9th, we figured it was a good time to have a summary news post to go over all the recent and upcoming releases, since there have been so many.  So here they are! If I have missed one, make sure to let me know!


N++ - PS4 - July 28th - Buy it here!

the Castle Game - PS4 - August 4th - Buy it here!

Actual Sunlight - PSVita - August 11th - But it here!


Gastrobots - iOS - August 20th

Knight & Damsel - Steam, Ouya - August 20th

Planet of the Eyes - PC - August 24th

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients - PC - August 25th

Runbow - Wii U - August 27th

Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime - Xbox One/PC/Mac - September 9th - Preorder It Here!

Fate Tectonics - PC/Mac - September 9th

StarSeed - iOS - Mid-September

Lots of great stuff coming out of Toronto! Congratulations to all the developers, and stay tuned to for the latest!