Far Cry Primal Gets A Free "Survivor" Mode
/ Stephen CraneUbisoft has announced that their prehistoric first person shooter Far Cry Primal will be getting a free update, which includes a new difficulty "Survivor Mode". This new difficulty will include permadeath (optional), less humans and animals to hunt, the minimap turned off, a stamina gauge, and more. You can check out the announcement trailer below:
The Stone Age is about to get even more brutal. Far Cry Primal will receive a FREE "Survivor Mode" update on April 12 for consoles and PC, which will make Oros and its inhabitants harsher and more dangerous than ever. You'll also have the option of enabling permadeath, if you're willing to risk extinction.
“The idea of doing this mode actually started from the team, saying they wanted to create this mode based on feedback they got from the community,” says Thomas Simon, Far Cry Primal’s game director. “The keystone of that survival mode is the change in the exploration, crafting, and difficulty of the game to make it even more realistic. After that, there are options the player can activate to go further.”
Far Cry Primal was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC earlier this year, and I quite enjoyed it. The new update will be available April 12th for all platforms.