Lost Orbit: Terminal Velocity Releasing On Playstation 4, Xbox One, Steam and Switch Next Month

Released back in 2016, Lost Orbit from Pixelnaut Games is getting a rerelease on Playstation 4, Xbox One, Steam and for the first time, Nintendo Switch. However this won’t be just a simple port job, the gang at Pixelnaut has gone back and added new levels and challenges, added a cinematic retelling of the original story, as well as other tweaks and changes to the gameplay.

Lost Orbit: Terminal Velocity features a new epilogue to continue the story. After the events of Harrisons journey across the universe our hero is reunited with his sister only to find out that things are much worse than he thought possible. Space pirates roam the system salvaging whatever they can all the while Ferro Corp is rounding up refugees and forcing them into labor contracts. Harrison sets off on a mission of escaping the chaos that was once his home world in hopes of finding more survivors and a place to call his own.

Launching July 16th on PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam (PC, Mac, Linux) Prepare to once again embark on a perilous journey filled with deadly asteroids, orbital boosts and the emptiness of space, but this time escape space pirates and more in LOST ORBIT: Terminal Velocity, the definitive version of the fast-paced, dodge 'em up game from PixelNAUTS Games.

The game will be a free update to people who already own the game, and for the first time can be picked up on Nintendo Switch, as well as Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Steam on July 16th.