New Trailer For Where Cards Fall - Coming Fall 2017
/ Stephen CraneSnowman announced today that Where Cards Fall will be coming Fall 2017 iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac and PC. With the announcement they also delivered a new trailer which you can see below:
Where Cards Fall is a coming of age story where you build houses of cards to move through imaginative puzzles and bring vivid memories of adolescence to life. Coming to iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac, and PC in Fall 2017.
From the blog post, Snowman described the game a bit more in depth:
It may look cinematic, but what you’re seeing here is a real glimpse of our gameplay and story. In Where Cards Fall, you’ll build houses of cards to form and shape the world around you. These houses not only help you move through imaginative puzzles, but also bring to life vivid memories of adolescence.
This particular memory is of teenagehood in the suburbs. Filled with far more cacophonous uncertainty than the playful magic of the forests, the suburbs are home to a crucial question: who will you become? Would you rather remain comfortable at home, or venture into the world outside?
Where Cards Fall is expected to hit PC, Mac, and iOS devices this Fall, so in the meantime, make sure to download the studio's previous game, Alto's Adventure.
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