CanadianGameDevs Is Seeking Help - Paid Partnership [Update]

Update: June 25th - Please note that I’ve recieved more than enough applicants for this, so I’ll be closing this for now :)

Running is a lot of work - a lot of work. Most weeks I probably spend 15-20 hours working on various things and on the extreme end that has gotten as high as 50. It’s a passion project, and I love doing it and the connections and relationships I’ve made have been incredible -  but eventually enough is enough and one can only get so far on their own.

This decision also comes off the heels of my Dad passing last year and taking some time off this year, as well as my wife being pregnant with our first daughter, due in October. I’ve realized that in order for CanadianGameDevs to become the best it can be I’ll need some help. In wanting to get the right person and treat them right it’s going to be a paid position - I’m not just looking for someone to work for me, but someone to work with me.

So! If you’re interested, I’m looking to work with someone who:

  • Loves video games - PC, consoles, handhelds, mobile, all or some - with a specific love for Canadian-made games.

  • They have a passion to highlight games and the people who make them, they care about who makes them not just that they are made.

  • Likes to do some writing, work on videos, editing, podcasting - whatever else might come up

Tasks involve:

  • Writing posts about Canadian-made games (including announcements, releases, updates)

  • Updating things such as Gamedev Events, the Game Studios lists, and Freelancers pages

  • Join us on our Podcast, and potentially Twitch Streaming, maybe something with Youtube?

  • Help with promotion (social media, SEO, etc), and Sales (job postings, Patreons)

Basically, a partner. Above is pretty much what I do on a week-to-week so I’d ideally want someone to split responsibilities with. Based on this revenue would be split - but the details on payment can be hammered home during interviews.

If you’re interested, please email me with a short blurb about yourself and why you’d make a good fit (feel free to include your social media incase we’ve spoken before).

TorontoGameDevs is Now....CanadianGameDevs!

The philosophy behind TorontoGameDevs has always been about being proud of the local games coming out of Toronto. It's had mild success and now it's time to keep going and evolve a bit. will be the number one site for games developed in Canada, and it replaces TorontoGameDevs. From British Columbia, to Newfoundland, and everything in between we'll chat, learn and discover all the best games that Canada has to offer. Over the next couple of weeks I'll be "transitioning" the site to be easier to find posts on all games outside of the GTA and specific provinces look ups. I'll also have to move around social media posts and what not - as well as the new Patreon.

So you'll start seeing some changes, but the overall theme remains mostly intact. Let's chat and learn about the great games coming out of Canada, big and small.

Oh and follow us on Soundcloud!

Consider Supporting On Patreon

If you aren't aware, TorontoGameDevs is on Patreon. It's a great platform to help support creators - there are a lot of independent businesses on there and I recommend checking it out. Every bit helps - if you can't spare the coin, it's always appreciated if you share it with your friends.

Game Of The Year Voting Starts Next Week

With this week being crazy, holidays and such, the 3rd Annual TorontoGameDevs Game of the Year voting will start sometime next week.

In the meantime, subscribe on Youtube, iTunes, and follow us on Twitter. What has your Game of the Year been?

Update On Our Youtube Page - Getting New Gear

If you subscribe on Youtube you've probably noticed there haven't been to many videos recently. I've had some technical issues lately and replacing the gear I use (mic, and camera). That's coming up - so until then, follow us everywhere else we may be.