TorontoGameDevs is Now....CanadianGameDevs!

The philosophy behind TorontoGameDevs has always been about being proud of the local games coming out of Toronto. It's had mild success and now it's time to keep going and evolve a bit. will be the number one site for games developed in Canada, and it replaces TorontoGameDevs. From British Columbia, to Newfoundland, and everything in between we'll chat, learn and discover all the best games that Canada has to offer. Over the next couple of weeks I'll be "transitioning" the site to be easier to find posts on all games outside of the GTA and specific provinces look ups. I'll also have to move around social media posts and what not - as well as the new Patreon.

So you'll start seeing some changes, but the overall theme remains mostly intact. Let's chat and learn about the great games coming out of Canada, big and small.

Oh and follow us on Soundcloud!

CEIM Bringing 15 Canadian Indie Developers to PAX South

I've written before about the CEIM helping out Indie Developers, and Martin Brouard reached out to me about another opportunity, this time to showcase at PAX South.

You can check out all the details on the official site, but hurry now as the deadline is December 9th!

PAX SOUTH | SAN ANTONIO, TX | January 26-29, 2017
Be one of 15 Canadian independent video game developers to qualify for this new program that will help you participate in PAX SOUTH SAN ANTONIO and increase your chances of success!
  • Reservation and set up of individual stands (10 ft. x 10 ft.)
    (savings of 50%, financial support up to $800)
  • Qualified « B2B » meetings, pre-planned
  • PR agency support for the group
  • Individual coaching, prior to the event, with an expert from CEIM
  • Business support and coaching on location, by two experts from CEIM
  • Up to $1,125 reimbursement of your documented living expenses
    (hotel, meals, transportation)