OSnap Games Launches Kickstarter For Quasar

OSnap Games is busy away work on their shoot 'em up Quasar for Steam, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and have taken to Kickstarter to help them with the final push.  The goal is $25000, with 35 days to go, I think we can get this one fully funded.

"Inspired by great shoot ‘em ups of the past such as Asteroids and Space Wars, we’ve set out to make QUASAR a bullet-tastic, top-down multiplayer game for our generation. The mechanics are simple, but the action takes place in procedurally generated areas for a unique and frenetic play experience that tests your skills every time. The game can be played with up to 10 players (5 vs. 5), and we like to say it is easy to learn, fast to play and hard to master."

You can check out the Kickstarter right here, and follow the developer on Twitter as well.  I've had a chance to play to play Quasar and it's a long of fun.  The Kickstarter has all sorts of details on the gameplay, and sound track with the estimate delivery date on it being September 2016, so hopefully we don't have to long of a wait.

Osnap Games Discusses The Lighting And Sound of Quasar

A game I've been meaning to write about for a while, Quasar is a top-down twin stick shooter that will be coming out early next year. Indie developer Osnap Games has been giving some updates that I thought I would share here.

3D Artist John Olabode, discussed the lighting in the game:

We began the lighting process for Quasar with a traditional 3 light setup (key, back and fill) and then additional lights in areas we thought made sense, being careful not to stray away from the look we were trying to achieve, outer space! After tweaking the lights, and using a combination of warm and cool tones, we started to integrate some post-processing in small doses. The post-processing in conjunction with the environment lighting, allowed us to obtain the feel we were striving for.

Additionally, late last month they discuss the music and gave a sample of what to expect. You can listen to the track here:

For a game like Quasar, a constant chaotic experience, I want the player to feel a sense of urgency and action when they’re flying around our universe. I approach the creation process in the simplest way possible. A few chords in succession that are designed to lure the player in and once I’ve found my base, a solid chord progression, I will take my time to find a drum line that both drives the song and pushes that sense of urgency. I treat the drum line with care. I try to keep them fairly simple and not overbearing. After creating the basic building blocks of my track, I will start working with arrangement, flow, and pace. I step back a bit and determine how I want the player to travel through the song itself. Crescendos, decrescendos, counterpoint melodies.. I find the flow and build my melody from there.

We've hit Greenlight (http://greenlight.quasargame.com)! Take a look at this gameplay teaser to get an idea of what Quasar is all about!

Quasar is currently slated for release early next year, and we'll have more on the game as we get closer to that date. Until then, make sure to follow Osnap Games on Twitter.

Countdown To Stage Select: OSnap Games!

Continuing our countdown to Stage Select this weekend, we have the independent developer OSnap Games!

"OSnap Games, founded in early 2012 by a small group of game developers who are tired of the way modern studios worked. The shared vision among the founding members was to create a highly competitive video game studio here in Toronto, Ontario that Canada can call its own. We set out to create fun and compelling games in an environment that encourages the creativity and collaboration that a successful video game studio requires. OSnap Games also recognizes the importance of a strong and loyal fan base and because of that we have a very open line of communication with our community through our forums, Facebook, Twitter and other social media. We believe that combining a healthy corporate culture and an active communication channel with our players will allow us to create highly successful games, and a very strong relationship with our community."

Most recently OSnap Games announced their twin stick shooter Quasar was successfully greenlit on Steam.  Make sure to check out more of Quasar and follow the developer on Twitter!

We've hit Greenlight (http://greenlight.quasargame.com)! Take a look at this gameplay teaser to get an idea of what Quasar is all about!