London based developer Digital Extremes have released an update for their popular free-to-play sci-fi ninja shooter Warframe. Chains of Harrow will provide players a new quest similar to a horror film.
"In response to a disturbing transmission from Palladino, the Red Veil Clan's spiritual medium, Tenno are compelled to investigate a dark, mysteriously abandoned Steel Meridian spacecraft found adrift. Inside the vessel, lights flicker and emergency lights strobe, revealing bodies of dead crew members. All is quiet except for whispers heard echoing throughout the lifeless craft. What does it all mean? Players must uncover the terrifying reality of what happened onboard, how the Red Veil might play a part in it, and more."
Check out below for the trailer, as well as the full Press Release. Warframe can be downloaded on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.
London, Ontario-based Tencent subsidiary Digital Extremes has announced that their almost decade-old F2P online action RPG Warframe now supports crossplay across PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.